Dynamic load
If you need to initialize the Google Maps API in a dynamic way you can use the dynamicLoad
option of the plugin
configuration, this option start the plugin but it doesn't load the Google Maps API, you need to load it manually using
the googleMapsApiInitializer
function from the utilities
object exposed by the plugin as we show below
.use(createGmapVuePlugin({ dynamicLoad: true }))
In setup script
[your-component].vue - Composition API
import { onMounted } from "vue";
import { utilities } from "@gmap-vue/v3";
import { usePluginOptions } from "@gmap-vue/v3/composables";
const { googleMapsApiInitializer } = utilities;
const options = usePluginOptions();
onMounted(() => {
or in options API
[your-component].vue - Options API
import { onMounted } from "vue";
import { utilities } from "@gmap-vue/v3";
const { googleMapsApiInitializer } = utilities;
export default {
mounted() {