๐๏ธ Dynamic load
If you need to initialize the Google Maps API in a dynamic way you can use the dynamicLoad option of the plugin
๐๏ธ Map Reference
If you need to gain access to the Map instance (e.g. to call panToBounds, panTo)
๐๏ธ Accessing the Google Maps API
If you need to access the Google maps API directly you can use the getGoogleMapsAPI function utility.
๐๏ธ Region and Language
Use the region and language options to localize your map.
๐๏ธ Lazy loading
To wait until the Google Maps API is ready, you can use the global option $gmapApiPromiseLazy, or the useGoogleMapsApiPromiseLazy composable.
๐๏ธ GmvMap Slots
This is the MapLayer component
๐๏ธ Nuxt
This was taken from the documentation about the version form Vue 2. This should be checked and confirmed.
๐๏ธ Plugin component builder
To build your own component you can use the pluginComponentBuilder function. You need to provide the following options to it