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createGoogleMapsAPIInitializer() ⇒ function

This function returns the initializer function, it is exported in that way because we need to generate a closure to define a private property called isApiSetUp to detect if the Google Maps API was initializer in a previous execution. The function that it exports is the function that we use inside of promise-lazy file to initialize the Google Maps API if it is required.

Kind: global function
Returns: function - The initializer function

createGoogleMapsAPIInitializer~googleMapsAPIInitializer(options, loadCn)

The initializer function, it adds into the head of the page the Google Maps API script tag to loads the library

Kind: inner method of createGoogleMapsAPIInitializer

optionsObject | undefinedThe configuration Object. (@see libraries.
options.keystringYour Google Maps API key
options.librariesstring"places"The Google Maps libraries that you will use eg: 'places,drawing,visualization', can be given as an array too (@see
options.vstring | undefinedThe Google Maps API version, default latest
options.callbackstring | undefined"GoogleMapsCallback"This must be ignored if have another callback that you need to run when Google Maps API is ready please use the customCallback option.
options.customCallbackstring | undefinedThis option was added on v3.0.0 but will be removed in the next major release. If you already have an script tag that loads Google Maps API and you want to use it set you callback in the customCallback option and our GoogleMapsCallback callback will execute your custom callback at the end; it must attached to the window object, is the only requirement.
loadCnbooleanfalseBoolean. If set to true, the map will be loaded from google maps China (@see